
Overstock Deals - Display Components and Sign Holders

Marketing Solutions

Boost sales with these unique displays

Breakfast, Energy, Diet & Nutrition Bar Displays

  • Ideal for high velocity high margin products.
  • Feature your top sellers.
  • Display special promotional pricing.
  • PocketPanel are made to order to display products off wall or off shelf.
  • 2-Sided Mini PowerPillar is creates nearly an additional 8 sq. ft. merchandising and selling space. and spins for easy shopping.
  • SideStackers create additional merchandising and selling space: 18” wide unit adds 6 sq.ft. 24” wide unit adds 8 sq.ft
  • Custom colors and sizes are available.

PocketPanel for Off-Wall or Off-Shelf



14” x 48” 2 -Sided Floor Spinner



24” x 54” 1 -Sided SideStacker





PowerPillar™ Floor Spinners





Energy Center Signage Concepts